Facts about 160th Anniversary Celebration at Grant’s Farm

What should I wear to the Grant’s Farm event?

It is the end of June, so it will be hot. We suggest garden party attire, nice shorts and shirts for men and boys and sundresses or nice shorts and shirts for women and girls.

What happens if there is bad weather?

We are hoping that we will not have to cancel the event. If cancelation is necessary, we will contact everyone through social media, email and put a notice on our website, www.everychildshope.org.

What will the schedule of events be?

The Trams through Deer Park will begin at 6:30 and run through 7:15.
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.        Goats and Carousel rides
7:15 to 9:15 p.m.        Buffet dinner served
9:15 p.m.                     Raffle Sales will end and raffle winners will be announced.
9:30 p.m.                     Silent auction will end.
10:00 p.m.                   Event will end.
Trams are always available for those who need to leave early.

What if I can’t walk long distances?

If you would like to ride the Tram, just let the driver know that you want to be dropped off at the Bauerhof where the event is held. If you need handicapped parking and are not able to ride the Tram, please contact Laura Kilcullin at 314-427-3755 or lkilcullin@echmail.org, for parking instructions and an assigned spot

 Will there be assigned tables?

Yes. Tables are assigned. Larger groups will be assigned tables that are clustered together.

What is the menu for the evening?

We will have chicken strips, pulled pork, brats, baked beans, German potato salad, coleslaw, brownies and ice cream. Beer, wine, soda and water will also be served. For special dietary meals, please contact Laura Kilcullin at 314-427-3755 or lkilcullin@echmail.org.

What if I have to leave before the raffle winner is called or the auction is over?

If you have to leave early, you can still continue to bid using ECH2018.givesmart.com to continue bidding. You will receive notices on your cell phone if you have been outbid. We will make arrangements for you to receive your items after the event.

If you must leave before the raffle winner or second place is called, just let someone know and we will again contact you following the event.